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Travel Guide To Sarajevo


City Sarajevo City Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its largest urban, cultural, economic and trade center, the capital of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the seat of Sarajevo Canton, which has 429,672 inhabitants according to assessments. Miljacka river flows through the city, and in its immediate vicinity there is also the spring of Bosna river, with the popular destination of the inhabitants of Sarajevo, Vrelo Bosne. The city is surrounded by the Olympic mountains: Jahorina, Bjelašnica, Igman, Treskavica and Trebević, which are the favorite destination of the inhabitants of Sarajevo and tourists from all over the world, especially during the winter months. At our mountains you can do alot of things which are recreation and entertainment such as ( four-wheelers,paintball , skis,bike ride). The city is characterized by numerous religious buildings, mosques from the Ottoman period, Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical churches, the synagogue and other cultural and historic monuments.

We wish you a pleasant stay while discovering Sarajevo!


Join one of our guided tours and get amazed by Sarajevo, this intriguing and most fascinating city with its unique history line and unpreceeded appeal. If you are more of an adventure type of person you should go with our Sarajevo adventures and join us on one of our rafting adventures or simple hiking and trekking adventures. Hiking / Trekking is an popular adventure organised on number of locations nearby Sarajevo. It is the best way to get in touch with nature. This adventure would bring you back to nature and make you appreciete outdoors and fresh air.

Mountain Biking is organised on several mountains nearby Sarajevo. It is a well worth adventure for those who are fond of biking. The tracks range from easy to hard depending on your skill. Cycling in Bosnia and Herzegovina takes everything seriously outlines. This demonstrates the increased number of bicycle riders, those who use the bike transportation in an urban environment, but also cyclists athletes. According to the data we ensure association Giro di Sarajevo, which deals with the promotion of urban cycling, the number of cyclists in Sarajevo radically increased in the last four years and now their number in the BiH capital in excess of 30,000! It's nice to hear that we have at least something nice took over from the Western, "developed" world.


Three historic events that put Sarajevo in the history books are: The assasination of Ferdinand and the start of World War I, the winter Olympic games of 1984, and the shelling of the city in the ethnic conflict of the Yugoslav war.

Earliest history of the Sarajevo valley dates back to the neolithic when it was the craddle of the so called Butmir culture, a neolithic society named after the finds in Butmir nearby Sarajevo. It is also known that the Illyrians had several settlements in the valley. Illyrians were the indiginous tribes that lived on the western part of the Balkan peninsula. During Roman times, after the conquest of the Illyrians, a town named Aquae Sulphurae ("sulfuric thermal spring") was known to exist in the place of Ilidža, one of todays suburbs of Sarajevo. After the Romans, the Goths settled the area and after them in the 7th century came the Slavs. The settlement Vrh-Bosna existed in the Sarajevo valley as a Slavic citadel from 1263 until it was conquered by the Ottoman empire in 1429. However it was not before the 1461 that the settlement was established as a city, named Bosna-Saraj, around the citadel. The city was founded by Isa-Beg Isaković, the first governor of Bosnia.

The name Sarajevo is derived from Turkish saray ovası, meaning "the field around saray" (Saray is a Turkic word of Persian origin which means 'palace').

The Ottomans ruled Bosnia for five centuries and Sarajevo grew to develop as an important cultural and trade centre of the region. Although Isa-Beg Isaković was the one who founded Sarajevo, his succedor as the governor of Bosnia, Gazi Husrev-beg was the one who made it what it is today. He was responsible for the construction of the famous Gazi Husrev-beg's Mosque, the Tsar's Mosque, and numerous other mosques throughout the city. He also constructed the first Sarajevo library, madrassa, school of Sufi philosophy, and clock tower (Sahat Kula), along with numerous other important cultural structures. The body of Gazi Husrev-beg remains to this day in a tomb in the courtyard of his mosque. The tomb bears an inscription: "May the mercy and generosity of god fall upon him every day". Many even today visit the tomb to give prayer each day.

After the long period of Ottoman rule, Austro-Hungarian empire acquired Bosnia (1878-1918) and it was during this rule that many buildings In Sarajevo were built in a recognisable "Austrian manner". This is what gave Sarajevo its specific European flavour. Moreover Sarajevo was industrialized by Austria-Hungary, who used the city as a testing area for new inventions, such as electric tramways (1885), before installing them in Vienna.

When the First World War ended Austrian crown province Bosnia and Herzegovina, found itself in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes later renamed in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1941 the Nazi Germany invaded Yugoslavia and Sarajevo was bombarded. Yugoslav Partisan resistance fighters, led by Josip Broz Tito, liberated Sarajevo on 6 April 1945 and Sarajevo has become an important regional center of a newly formed Yugoslavia.

In 1992 as as the former communist state of Yugoslavia was disintegrating, Sarajevo was surrounded by the "Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija" (Yugoslav National Army) and a number of paramilitary (Bosnian Serb Army) formations. The siege of Sarajevo and the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina resulted in many deaths, large scale destruction, and dramatic population shifts. As soon as the war ended with the Dayton Agreement of November 1995 the slow healling process started.

Today, once again, Sarajevo is able to welcome you and present you with its wonderful attractions and beauty uncompared.


The city on Miljacka river hosts numerous international cultural festivals every year. The most important of them are: the Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF), the Sarajevo Jazz Festival, the summer cultural festival ''Baščaršija Nights'', the ''MESS'' theater festival bringing new productions, ''Sarajevo Winter'', and the World Television Festival of Oriental Music.

Cinemas Club - Sloga is located at Mejtasi (Mehmeda Spahe 20) in the immediate vicinity of the Croatian embassy. It is a popular spot of younger people and students. The music style depends on the night and they tend to host lots of live shows, mostly rock music. However you could stumble upon some jazz or similar. Monday is definitely the best day to come to the club as they usually have a Latino night with many people hitting the floor, enjoying themselves in the South American rhythms. Please try to come earlier on Mondays as the party tends to lose its heat by midnight. Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays the house is full and the other days the atmosphere is a bit looser.

City Pub is located at Despiceva b.b. at the very heart of Sarajevo, a street away of Bascarsija. It is a popular place that swings to blues, rock, DJ, or jazz music. They host everything from concerts to movie showings and art performances. On popular nights it tends to be overcrowded and the service is kind of on the run so don't just stand there thinking, order your drink fast paying simultaneously.

The Club is located at Gorica (Titova br.7). The place attracts a mixed crowd of all ages. The locally famous tend to go here, especially the musicians as they frequently get involved in the show. Wednesdays is particularly interesting as the live show is transmitted on the local radio as well. All in all The Club is a fine and fun place to spend your night out. The Club received the New Millennium Award in Spain for being the best club-restaurant in 2007 out of 14000 competing establishments.

Hacienda is a lounge bar and a Cantina Mexicana located on Bascarsija at Bezerdzani 3. Night outs in Hacienda turn the night on fire with the music burning out of the speakers picked for you by the Sarajevo's most popular DJ-s.

Aquarius is located at Grbavica (Shopping - Hasana Brkica 2). It is a Cafe & Sandwich Bar, a small, yet popular place, perfect for your evening warming up fun before heading off to any of the larger clubs.

Babylon you should search for this place at Bascarsija. It is a small bar with a great atmosphere featuring Ex-Yu Rock music. Great place that is packed full each night.

Buddha Bar is located at Radiceva 10 nearby The Club and Cinemas (Sloga) Club. It is a place where inevitably every Saturday night out ends. It is basically a basement club, a dark place where the sun never enters. The party at Buddha bar last up to the afternoon when everybody goes home for lunch and the much desired sleep.

Cafe Opera is located at Branilaca Sarajeva 25. It is a nice leisure point for an evening of relaxation and talks. Quite frequently they have the live music shows so if you don't feel like talking you can just lay back and enjoy the tunes while sipping comfortably at your drink.

Coloseum Club is a fancy place located at Terezije b.b.. It is a club and a casino so in order to get in they require an identification card from you. However this place hosts some interesting pop concerts from time to time and the prices are the same like everywhere else so your budget won't suffer.




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